Dear Member,In February 2012, our server suffered considerable damage (possibly caused by a malicious attack) and the private data of some of our members was damaged or lost. To ensure the security of your data, the accounts of the members affected have been recreated. The website has been moved to a more reliable host and entirely reinstalled, which obviously took some time and resulted in a long period off line. Naturally, the payment of annuities and interest on capitalisation accounts continued to be made as usual, every day at 8:30.
Unfortunately your account was affected by this incident and some of your data has been lost (your account set-up and private data, as well as the record of transactions up until 1 March 2012). To compensate you for this inconvenience, an additional UNI 1 500 has been paid into your account. You can access your account with your usual login, but we have given you a new, temporary password, which is your date of birth typed in as DDMMYYYY (D=day, M=month, Y=year). Your previous password was lost because it was encrypted along with the rest of your private data, to which we do not have access. Next we would ask you to set up your account again by filling in your details, and of course, by changing your password.
If you have any problems, please write to us at this address: